Thursday, June 12, 2008


The WWE Draft is coming up, good timing too because the rosters need to be shaken up a bit. Action is starting to get a little boring. Just thought I would make a post saying who I would like to see drafted this year.
Drafted to RAW
1. "The Animal" Batista would have to be my #1 choice to see on RAW. He has been spinning his wheels a little on Smackdown. And RAW can use a new man in title contention.
2. CM Punk. I doubt very seriously that he will use his money in the bank chance against Kane. He has a huge fan base and would make some interesting rivalries on the RAW roster.
3. Elijah Burke. A huge talent that is not being used to his potential on ECW. He deserves to be on the big show!
4. Deuce (aka The Son of The Superfly, for those that didn't know) Another huge talent not being used enough and is being held down by his partner.
5. Victoria , The original bad ass of the women's division. Plus I really want to see a Pheonix vs. Victoria rivalry!
6. Armando Estrada, just because I don't think he is ECW material and would be much better used working up the lower ranks of RAW, now that he is an active wrestler.
Drafted to Smackdown
1 "The Rainbow Haired Warrior" Jeff Hardy will have to be my #1 choice for Smackdown. I would love to see The Hardy's on the same show again. Not just for the tag division but Jeff would look good in title contention also.
2 Melina just to see her in different rivalries and a little more flair to the women's ranks on Smackdown.
3 Kofi Kingston , honestly he makes a good addition to any roster, he has the makings of a fan favorite and smackdown has more time to use on him. Don't get me wrong ECW did pretty good pitting him against Shelton Benjamin, but the possible story lines and rivalries on Smackdown would be endless.
4 Matt Striker is spinning his wheel on ECW and not really accomplishing much. He had much better storyline before he went to ECW and now with Big Daddy V out he really does not have much to do.
5 Mike Knox, another one that is spinning his wheels a little, but deserves a better chance. He has gotten better since his return.
6 Trevor Murdoch, because Cade and Murdoch need to be split up for good if either is going to continue in the WWE. Get them into better rivalries.
Drafted to ECW
This section was a little more difficult because superstars are going to have to be chosen that will want to either go to the smaller show as a favor to Vince McMahon and draw a bigger fan base or a superstar that is getting lost on the bigger shows and might do better on ECW.
1 "The Bellfast Brawler" Finlay will have to be my #1 choice for ECW. He would make the perfect ECW champion.
2 Umaga, another one that would make a good ECW champion, that just can't seem to get ahead enough for a title shot on RAW.
3 Santino Marella a real bad ass in disguise! Yes trust me on this. His real fighting style is perfect for ECW. Maybe keep him in the corny Marella gimmick for a bit, then have him snap and start really kicking ass! Maybe a well placed chair shot will do the trick! LOL. Most of the crowd would be shocked.
4 Eve Torres, come on we all want to see Eve vs. Layla in a real battle for ECW rivalry.
5. Domino, just to give him a chance in singles competition. He has the power, it just needs to be used better.
6 DH Smith, yes he is still around! They are keeping him around for some reason and I for one would like to see more of what he might be able to do. For the record "The Next Generation Hart Foundation" was a great idea and still is! Bring in Teddy Hart!