Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ECW recap , Supplemental Draft, & a Superstar returns!

First off I want to say that it was a very cheesy way to end McMahon's Million Dollar Giveaway. Didn't Vince learn anything from his fake death storyline? I guess not! I would have thought the giveaway would last through the summer. I guess it was too much of a hit on his pocketbook. Anyway moving on.....

ECW welcomed their one and only new wrestler from the original draft on RAW, Matt Hardy, by placing him in a tag match with CM Punk as his partner. Against the WWE Tag Team Champions Miz & Morrison. It was a good even match at first, Miz & Morrison looked about ready to score a pin when an unexpected Hornswaggle appeared distracting Miz long enough for Hardy to hit the Twist of Fate on Morrison.

Newcomer Evan Bourne (AKA Matt Sydel) is looking really good in the ring! Even though he lost this week against Mike Knox. Last week he performed the most perfect Shooting Star I have seen in a long time. With high fliers like this getting called up maybe Vince should think about re-instating the cruiserweight title. However on the flip side of this rivalry Mike Knox has improved so much over the past year. The bulk he has added just makes him look meaner. I would like to see him get a little bit of a push this year.

Kofi Kingston and Shelton Benjamin have had some classic battles the past few weeks, and it seems to have come to a head this past Tuesday when they faced in a Extreme Rules match. Somehow I just knew he would land that kick of his eventually. This match was fairly nice and is worth watching if it gets posted on

Last but certainly not least we had Kane & Mark Henry go head to head in a non title match. Henry surprised a lot of people when he pinned the ECW champion. I myself was not surprised. The officials have been wanting to give Henry a title run for a long time. It would not surprise me if they added him to the match this Sunday at Night Of Champions.

Before I finish up this blog post here are some tidbits I just found out.

17 more superstars get traded during a supplemental draft.

Now the full lists look a little like this.........

RAW gets

  • Batista

  • Ray Mysterio

  • Kane

  • Cm Punk

  • Michael Cole

  • Jamie Noble

  • Deuce

  • Chuck Polumbo

  • Matt Striker

  • Layla

  • Kofi Kingston

Smackdown gets

  • Triple H

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Umaga

  • Mr. Kennedy

  • Jim Ross

  • Trevor Murdoch

  • Big Daddy V

  • DH Smith

  • Brian Kendrick

  • Maria

  • Shelton Benjamin

  • Carlito

ECW gets

  • Matt Hardy

  • Mark Henry

  • Hornswaggle

  • Super Crazy

  • Finlay

In other news Ron "The Truth" Killings will be making his television debut next month.