Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Match Results 4/21/08 to 4/26/08

RAW 4/21/08
  • Chris Jericho defeated MVP (1st Round King Of The Ring)
  • CM Punk defeated Matt Hardy (1st Round King Of The Ring)
  • Finley defeated The Great Kahli (1st Round King Of The Ring)
  • William Regal defeated Hornswaggle (1st Round King Of The Ring)
  • CM Punk defeated Chris Jericho (2nd Round)
  • William Regal defeated Finley (2nd round)
  • William Regal defeated CM Punk (King Of The Ring)
  • Carlito defeated Hardcore Holly
  • Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama (No Contest)
  • Orton, JBL, Edge, & Chavo defeated Triple H, Cena, Kane, & Undertaker

ECW 4/22/08

  • Tommy Dreamer & Kelly Kelly defeated Mike Knox & Layla
  • Jimmy Wang Yang defeated John Morrison
  • Kofi Kingston defeated Shelton Benjamin
  • Mark Henry defeated Nunzio

TNA impact! 4/24/08

  • Team 3D defeated Black Reign & Rellik (Deuces Wild)
  • Christian Cage & Rhino defeated Motor City Machine Guns (Deuces Wild)
  • Sting & Booker T defeated James Storm & Robert Roode (Deuces Wild)
  • Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle (TNA Championship)

Smackdown 4/25/08

  • Shannon Moore defeated The Miz
  • Natalya defeated Cherry
  • Edge defeated CM Punk
  • Vladimir Kozlov defeated Marty Garner
  • Undertaker defeated Batista (No DQ WWE Championship)

OVW 4/26/07

  • Tommy McNailer defeated Joey Matthews
  • Vaughn Lilas defeated Sergio
  • Igotta Brewski defeated Kharn Alexander
  • Darrell Kelly defeated Scott Cardinal
  • Anthony Bravado defeated Josh Lowry
  • Rudy Switchblade defeated JD Michaels
  • Los Locos vs The Insurgency (No Contest)