Friday, February 15, 2008

No Way Out Predictions!

I did pretty good with the matches at the Royal Rumble PPV. So here are my predictions for No Way Out!

Career Threatening Match

Again if "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair loses his career is over! This should be a more interesting match up then when MVP tried at the Rumble, but for the same reason I picked Flair to win over MVP, I also have to go with Flair over Kennedy. Flair is such an important icon of this industry, I do not think they will waste his retirement match on Kennedy. It is going to be someone a little more important than Mr. Kennedy. Flair will win by submission.

ECW Championship

Somewhat interesting rivilry has developed in the land of extreme. Former champ CM Punk lost the title not long ago to Chavo Guerrero, and finally the "Stright Edge Extremist" gets his rematch this Sunday. Sorry Punk fans, but I don't see CM Punk getting the title back any time soon. Chavo will find some way to cheat and win and Punk will be forced to work his way back through the ranks of ECW. A new number one contender will make himself known in the coming weeks. Possibly Shelton or the returning Big Show! Chavo will win by a pinfall.

World Heavyweight Championship

Vicki just cannot stop getting hurt can she! LOL! Good storyline with the Edge & Vicki love affair, but I really don't see it lasting much longer. Edge will cheat a win out of this match somehow, and the Edge & Mysterio fued will be over for now. Edge will win by pinfall.

WWE Championship

We all know who the WWE believes is their meal ticket at the moment, and of course they will want him with the belt come Wrestlemania! I really hate to say this but John Cena will win by submission. Regaining his championship!

Smackdown/ECW Elimination Chamber

Six men will enter; The Undertaker, Finley, The Great Khali, Batista, MVP, & Big Daddy V, but only the Deadman will walk out! Everyone wants to see Undertaker and Edge at Wrestlemania, and I believe the WWE has decided to give it to us. Undertaker for the win.

Raw Elimination Chamber

Six men will enter; Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, Umaga, JBL, & Chris Jericho, but only the Rainbow Haired Warrior will walk out! Jeff Hardy for the win. Hardy & Cena will make a huge main event at Wrestlemania!