Sunday, March 30, 2008

Wrestlemania predictions!

Sorry I haven't had the chance to post more, but the wife has been home more and I don't get the chance to be online as much as I used too. For what it is worth here was my predictions for Wrestlemania, sorry I could not get them posted before the PPV, but I swear I have not altered them since seeing the PPV.

Bunnymania Lumberjack Match

With the push Maria is getting for posing in playboy, I am sure Maria and Candice will find some way to win this one.

Belfast Brawl

Even when JBL was at his best he would not have a chance against Finley in this match! Hands down Finley will dominate!

24-man Battle Royal - winner faces ECW Champ

Going by the short list that is posted, I would have to say WWE will use this chance to finally put a championship belt around Kane's waist again! Besides Kane the only other person I see winning this is Mark Henry. Either one will make a great storyline and finally bring more interest back to ECW.

Brand vs. Brand

First off, what happen to ECW in this match? Anyway Batista should win. The Samoan Bulldozer is just going to be hitting a wall in this one.
Money In The Bank Ladder Match

There is talk about a surprize entry in this match. Since Jeff will be unable to make it, it leaves an open spot. Who could the surprize be? Maybe the returning K-Kwik (Ron Killings). It would be nice and possible since he had to leave AAA early under WWE orders, but anyway going by the current list I think the best storyline would be Shelton Benjamin. He has shined in the past and I think he is ready for a little push, but if Kwik does return in this match I do see them giving him the push.

Career Threatening Match

Sorry Flair, I have picked you to win every match until this one. None of the others were good enough to retire the legend, but know it is The Showstopper at Wrestlemania!?!?!? Will miss you Flair!

Mayweather vs. Big Show

This has been one of the tough ones to decide. Reputations are at stake and the only out come I can see is Mayweather winning by DQ! Big Show is going to hurt him bad!
World Heavyweight Championship

This one could go either way, but I am putting my money on the deadman. I do not believe Edge is the one thay want to end the streak. I still think if he ever loses at Wrestlemania it will be against Kane, not Edge!

WWE Championship

Another hard one to decide, but I finally made my choice and sticking to it! Triple H!

As you can see I got a few wrong, but I am very proud at predicting the ECW championship! Maybe Kane can add a little more interest into the ECW brand!