Friday, April 17, 2009


Hello my name is Eddy, online I am usually known as "Okolona Wolf" or "The Lone Wolf" . Over the years I have toyed with the idea of writing my own wrestling blog. I do not claim to be an expert and I am really not trying to pass myself off as one. I will leave that up for you to decide.

I have had a few blogs on different sites in the past , you might remember "The 10-Bell Salute" , "The Sharp Edge", or "The Razor's Edge". All 3 in some form was posted on Blogger. Basically I think I just tried to cover to much stuff at once, and I never really got the following I wanted. Although I thought "The Razor's Edge" was a little better than the first two incarnations. I had a couple of new writers that was going to join with me and had even discussed having a 20Q blog with a well known name it the business. I think with each attempt at doing this I am getting a little better.

Now with the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania behind us and all the new changes WWE is making. I find myself stuck with my opinions and no where to write about them. In my new blog I am going to try and keep it simple at first , but still very informative. I am going to attempt to reach out to the stars I have met over the years and some other key people in the business that may have an interesting perspective of how things are being ran today. I plan on also talking with some up and coming talent and Indy workers, because you never know which one of the guys you are hanging out with outside of an arena after a show is going to be the next CM Punk!

I have met so many legends, icons, and a lot of today's superstars just out of chance that I wish I started something like this 10 years ago, and I'll be the first to tell you that 90% of them are generally nice guys. I have stood next to Andrea the Giant not long before he passed away. To be honest I don't know if I have ever met a nicer guy. While managing a restaurant I got to sit down with Hulk Hogan and Macho Man after their meal and chat with them. They really made me feel like one of the guys. I have gotten Sandman so drunk before a match that he almost fell off a ladder. The list can go on and on about the people I have met. Maybe I will share some of those stories if the chance comes up. Until than be on the look out for my new blog ,which I haven't came up with a name yet or a place to write it, but I will post this on all of my old blogs in the hope that some of my old fans will see it. Until than keep an open mind and support all the talent, heels a faces alike, they all put their hearts, souls , and health on the line with every match they are in. Just for your entertainment.

Sincerely yours Edward "The Lone Wolf"

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Match Results for 6/29 to 7/5

Night Of Champions 6/29/08

  • Mickie James defeated Katie Lea Burchill (Women's Championship)
  • Matt Hardy defeated Chavo Guerrero (United States Championship)
  • Kofi Kingston defeated Chris Jericho (Intercontinental Championship)
  • John Morrison & The Miz defeated Finlay & Hornswaggle (WWE Tag Team Championship)
  • Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes defeated Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes (World Tag Team Championship)
  • Mark Henry defeated Big Sho & Kane (ECW Championship)
  • Edge defeated Batista (World Heavyweight Championship)
  • Triple H defeated John Cena (WWE Championship)

RAW 6/30/08

  • CM Punk defeated Edge (World Heavyweight Championship)
  • Mickie James defeated Jillian Hall
  • Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase Jr. defeated Darren Wade & Steve Anthony
  • Kofi Kingston defeated Chris Jericho (DQ)
  • CM Punk defeated JBL (World Heavyweight Championship)

ECW 7/1/08

  • Matt Hardy, Finlay & Horswaggle defeated The Miz, John Morrison, & Chavo Guerrero
  • Atlas Ortiz defeated Armando Estrada
  • Mark Henry defeated Colin Delaney

TNA impact 7/3/08

  • Motorcity Machineguns defeated Beer Money
  • Moose defeated Roxxi
  • Ray Bucanero defeated Alex Kozlov
  • Milano defeated Curry Man
  • Taylor defeated Raisha Saeed
  • Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash defeated Beer Money

Smackdown 7/4/08

  • Michelle McCool defeated Cherry, Kelly Kelly, Victoria, & Maryse (Golden Dreams Match)
  • Jesse & Festus defeated Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder
  • Jeff Hardy Defeated John Morrison
  • Umaga defeated Funaki
  • Matt Hardy defeated Mr. Kennedy, Chavo Guerrero, & Shelton Benjamin (Fatal 4th Of July 4-way US Title Match)

OVW 7/5/08

  • Men Of Iron defeated Dirty Money & Scott Cardinal (OVW Tag Championship)
  • Igotta Brewski defeated Santos Diago
  • Serena defeated Reggie (OVW Women's Championship)
  • Josie defeated Serena (OVW Women's Championship)
  • Chris Hero defeated Chris Cage
  • Anthoney Bravado defeated Nick Dinsmore (OVW Championship)
  • Apoc & Vaughn Lilas defeated Los Locos
  • Al Barone defeated Shiloh
  • Serena defeated Josie (OVW Women's Championship)
  • JD Michaels defeated Dewey (OVW TV Championship)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Night Of Champions recap!

The chaos that was caused by the 2008 draft only got worse during the PPV "Night Of Champions" RAW was in the unique position of getting all three World titles on one show, but only if Cena , Batista , & Kane would have won their matches. As most of you already now that is not how it went down. Night of Champions turned out to be a Night of Disaster!
Triple H for the first time in his career pinned the "Doctor of Thuganomics" John Cena. Taking the prized WWE Championship to Smackdown with him. Cena was confident knowing it was he that beat Triple H at Wrestlemania XXIII when "The Game" tapped out under the pressure of the STFU. This time however was a different story. After trading several impressive moves and holds, The King of Kings capitalized with a Pedigree to earn the victory!
Edge was also successful in keeping his World Championship out of the hands of his opponent, Batista. Ending the nearly year long rivalry and marking Batista last chance at the title now that he will be going to RAW. Every time the gold had been on the line Batista just could not seem to get his hand raised against The Rated R Superstar. Even though he gave his all to win his fourth World title, and after a devastating spine buster the reign of Edge looked about to be over. Then GM Vicki Guerrero stopped the referee's count and called out Chavo to finish the match as a special guest referee. Batista hoping to offer a little pay back for months of torture, grabbed Vicki and tossed her over the top rope. Leaving his back open for edge to smash the gold into the back of his head to steal the win!
Finally Mark Henry is a World Champion! I have said for a long time that The World Strongest man needed a title run. Out of everyone in the WWE that has never held one of the top belts, he deserved it the most. Pretty good for someone that was a late edition to the ECW championship match. GM Theodore Long decided to give him the opportunity after pinning Kane on ECW this past Tuesday. Kane and Big Show’s rivalry has been heating up for months, but it has always been overshadowed by Henry, who forced his way into the picture with numerous attacks on the Big Red Machine. Kane put everything he had left into throwing Big Show off the top turnbuckle. After which both giants where lying on the mat gasping for breath. Henry came in with a big splash and a three count on Kane to become the ECW World Champion!
Ted DiBiase Jr. has been taunting World Tag Team Champions, Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly, for the past few weeks stating that he will win the titles in his first ever wrestling match in the WWE. Never once revealing who his tag team partner would be. When bell time had arrived there was no sign of DeBiase's partner, saying that his partner was on the way and to go ahead and start the match asking for Holly first. As Holly began to face him Cody attacked him from behind revealing that he himself was DiBiase's partner. I myself think this was a great move on the part of the WWE writers. Let's face it the team of Rhodes and Holly had grown a little boring. Can the crowd accept the turn of Cody? I think eventually they will. At least this way we add a little more excitement in Cody's career and the possibility of Holly getting revenge would be a good idea for a story line.
With expert teamwork, the team of John Morrison and The Miz was able to ward off the advances of the Irish father and son, Finlay and Hornswaggle. For a second it looked as if Hornswaggle had turned the tables when he set up for the tadpole splash, but Morrison put a stop to it by ripping Hornswaggle from the top rope and picked up the pin fall.
In a surprise turn of events, the rookie newcomer Kofi Kingston is now the Intercontinental Champion! I think everyone was expecting Shawn Michaels to face Chris Jericho for the title, but due to his recent eye injury he was unable to do so. While in the ring condemning the fans for cheering on HBK, Jericho was cut off by the sound of Kofi Kingston's music. The Jamaican Superstar would be the one to challenge Jericho. After an impressive show against an in-ring veteran, it seemed Kofi’s luck had run out with Y2J having him locked in the Walls of Jericho in the center of the ring. Much to the surprise of everyone, Shawn Michaels came through the audience and laid out Lance Cade at ringside with Sweet Chin Music. HBK then distracted Jericho just long enough for Kofi to regain his composure and pick up the win to become the new Intercontinental Champion.
Throughout the match, Chavo tried to take Hardy's left knee apart. But each time, Hardy fought through the pain and found a way to continue. It wasn't long before Hardy was able to hit The Twist Of Fate and retained his U.S. Championship!
Of course it is no surprise to me that Mickie James is still our women's champion! Katie Lea might have a future in this business but she still needs to work on her in ring ability some. Beside Mickie James is still sexier! After suffering a devastating shoulder injury, which the ruthless Katie Lea exploited beyond the limits, Mickie found the inner strength inside herself and sealed the smug challenger’s fate with a climatic DDT.

Smackdown Recap, Ultimate Warrior, Gregory Helms, Boogeyman

The world of the WWE was still covered in dust after the recent draft. As of yet the disturbances have yet to settle into their new homes. One of the biggest disturbances would have to be Triple H's draft to Smackdown. He kicked off the evening with a formal introduction and was soon interrupted by the World Heavyweight Champion Edge. Who in turn was attacked by Batista. Batista took it upon himself to kidnap the World title and did a little posing with Triple H and the belts. Triple H later returned the favor by stopping the beat down Umaga and The Family started to dish out. The ring was cleared in a matter of seconds with Edge leaving with his title.
Edge's night was not a total loss though, he did manage to beat U.S. Champion Matt Hardy in a champion vs champion non title match.

However the bad luck did seem to continue with Hawkins & Ryder, because they could not find away to beat the father and son duo of Finlay & Hornswaggle.

We had a sneak peak at the Night Of Champions ECW match when Kane & Big Show teamed up against Mark Henry & MVP. MVP tried to leave ringside but Mark Henry was fed up and tossed his partner in the ring for Kane to score a monstrous choke slam and pin.
GM Vicki Guerrero has yet to make a decision regarding who will face Natalya in the first ever Diva Championship. Maryse, Victoria, & Natalya faced off with Michelle McCool, Cherry, & Kelly Kelly in a six diva tag match. Michelle had a strong match almost dominating, but it was the quick thinking Maryse that scored the pin.

Last but not least Vladimir Kozlov's opponents are at least starting to get bigger, but yet again he just made an example of Domino.

In Other News..........

NWE (Nu-Wrestling Evolution) which by no means a chump promotion. Has just witnessed the return of "The Ultimate Warrior" to the ring! After 10 long years he made his return against NWE Heavyweight Champion Orlonado Jordan for the title. From what I have been able to gather the match was semi impressive. With Warrior even launching himself from the top rope with a big splash. The storyline leading up to match was very similar to the Sting vs. Angle storyline in TNA. Warrior pinned Jordan to win the NWE heavyweight title. But then he took the microphone and declared that he wants to make the title vacant. The belt will be put up for grabs in a big tournament.

The Boogeyman and Gregory Helms have been out of action far to long. They always seem to create interesting story lines and I am looking forward to the shows getting some sparks upon their return. Boogeyman's calf injury was probably healed a long time ago, and he was spotted this past Tuesday backstage. Helms has also been out and about by making an appearance at FCW. I am not real sure how it works now in Florida , but back in the OVW days when a wrestler appeared it wasn't long before he was on the main shows again.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Match Results for 6/23 to 6/28

RAW 6/23/08

  • Triple H defeated Mark Henry (Rey Mysterio was drafted to Raw)
  • Finlay & Hornswoggle defeated Santino & Carlito (Jeff Hardy was drafted to Smackdown)
  • Holly & Rhodes defeated Chavo & Bam Neely (CM Punk was drafted to RAW)
  • Morrison & The Miz defeated The Hardy Boys (Matt Hardy was drafted to ECW)
  • Mickie James & Melina and the team of Victoria & Natalya were in a tag team match that ended as a double disqualification (Jim Ross was drafted to SmackDown and Michael Cole was drafted to Raw)
  • John Cena defeated Edge (Batista was drafted to Raw)
  • MVP defeated Tommy Dreamer (Umaga was drafted to SmackDown)
  • JBL defeated Kofi Kingston (Kane was drafted to Raw)
  • Edge won a Tri-Branded 15-Man Battle Royal (Triple H and Mr. Kennedy were drafted to SmackDown)

ECW 6/24/08

  • Matt Hardy & CM Punk defeated Morrison & The Miz
  • Kofi Kingston defeated Shelton Benjamin (Extreme Rules Match)
  • Mike Knox defeated Evan Bourne
  • Mark Henry defeated Kane

TNA impact! 6/26/08

  • A.J. Styles defeated Consequences Creed
  • Christian Cage defeated Brother Ray (DQ)
  • Awesome Kong defeated Danielle ($25,000 Challenge)
  • Ultimo Guerrero & Ray Bucanero defeated Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino (World X-Cup)
  • Moose defeated ODB (Knockout Bimbo Brawl)
  • Booker T defeated Kevin Nash ( No DQ Match)

Smackdown 6/27/08

  • Kane & Big Show defeated Mark Henry & MVP
  • Finlay & Hornswaggle defeated Hawkins & Ryder
  • Edge defeated Matt Hardy
  • Natalya, Victoria, & Maryse defeated Michelle McCool, Kelly Kelly, & Cherry
  • Vladimir Kozlov defeated Domino
  • Batista vs. Umaga (No Contest)

OVW 6/28/08

  • Igotta Brewski defeated Ranger Milton
  • The Insurgency defeated The Mobile Homers
  • Tank Toland defeated Lumpy Magoo
  • The Men Of Iron defeated Dirty Money & Scott Cardinal
  • JD Michaels defeated Adam Revolver (OVW TV Championship)
  • Vaughn Lilas & Apoc vs. Los Locos (No Contest)
  • Anthony Bravado defeated Nick Dinsmore (OVW Championship)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ECW recap , Supplemental Draft, & a Superstar returns!

First off I want to say that it was a very cheesy way to end McMahon's Million Dollar Giveaway. Didn't Vince learn anything from his fake death storyline? I guess not! I would have thought the giveaway would last through the summer. I guess it was too much of a hit on his pocketbook. Anyway moving on.....

ECW welcomed their one and only new wrestler from the original draft on RAW, Matt Hardy, by placing him in a tag match with CM Punk as his partner. Against the WWE Tag Team Champions Miz & Morrison. It was a good even match at first, Miz & Morrison looked about ready to score a pin when an unexpected Hornswaggle appeared distracting Miz long enough for Hardy to hit the Twist of Fate on Morrison.

Newcomer Evan Bourne (AKA Matt Sydel) is looking really good in the ring! Even though he lost this week against Mike Knox. Last week he performed the most perfect Shooting Star I have seen in a long time. With high fliers like this getting called up maybe Vince should think about re-instating the cruiserweight title. However on the flip side of this rivalry Mike Knox has improved so much over the past year. The bulk he has added just makes him look meaner. I would like to see him get a little bit of a push this year.

Kofi Kingston and Shelton Benjamin have had some classic battles the past few weeks, and it seems to have come to a head this past Tuesday when they faced in a Extreme Rules match. Somehow I just knew he would land that kick of his eventually. This match was fairly nice and is worth watching if it gets posted on

Last but certainly not least we had Kane & Mark Henry go head to head in a non title match. Henry surprised a lot of people when he pinned the ECW champion. I myself was not surprised. The officials have been wanting to give Henry a title run for a long time. It would not surprise me if they added him to the match this Sunday at Night Of Champions.

Before I finish up this blog post here are some tidbits I just found out.

17 more superstars get traded during a supplemental draft.

Now the full lists look a little like this.........

RAW gets

  • Batista

  • Ray Mysterio

  • Kane

  • Cm Punk

  • Michael Cole

  • Jamie Noble

  • Deuce

  • Chuck Polumbo

  • Matt Striker

  • Layla

  • Kofi Kingston

Smackdown gets

  • Triple H

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Umaga

  • Mr. Kennedy

  • Jim Ross

  • Trevor Murdoch

  • Big Daddy V

  • DH Smith

  • Brian Kendrick

  • Maria

  • Shelton Benjamin

  • Carlito

ECW gets

  • Matt Hardy

  • Mark Henry

  • Hornswaggle

  • Super Crazy

  • Finlay

In other news Ron "The Truth" Killings will be making his television debut next month.

Monday, June 23, 2008

What A Draft!!!!!!

I was really surprised by some of the changes that have taken place at this years draft. If one show ended up the big winner that would have to be RAW. Smackdown didn't do to shabby , but very little change happened to ECW. I was really hoping ECW would be able to get a bigger roster. Instead thay lost 2 major superstars and gained only 1. Here is a list of the draftees.

Going to RAW we have.......

  • Rey Mysterio
  • CM Punk
  • Michael Cole
  • Batista
  • Kane

Going to Smackdown ........

  • Jeff Hardy
  • Jim Ross
  • Umaga
  • Mr. Kennedy
  • Triple H

Going to ECW ......

  • Matt Hardy

If we take a closer look at the results RAW is getting 4 major superstars that can be thrown straight into the title picture. All former Heavyweight champions. CM Punk, (a former ECW champion , a huge fan base, a huge merchandise seller, and not to mention the current Money in the Bank holder), is perfect for WWE championship contention, and with his huge popularity it would not be a mistake to give him the title for a couple of months. Rey Mysterio, (a former World champion) , I am sure will be right in with the big boys again when he gets back from injury. Although I have a feeling he will be tossed into another rivalry with JBL after his return. Batista , ( former World champion, and current #1 contender) could possible bring the World title to RAW, but I highly doubt it. Could easily be thrown into the title mix. Kane (former WWE champion, and current ECW champion) now this was a shocker! Kane will always be a top contender for any title. Possibly could bring the ECW title to Raw with him. With out a doubt RAW ended up with a bigger chunk of the draft, and the possibility have all 3 heavyweight belts being on RAW.

Smackdown did pretty good also. Triple H , (Current WWE champion) is the franchise of all the WWE.(Now that the Undertaker is gone), He could possibly bring the WWE belt back to Smackdown with him. I am sure Edge is shaking in his boots over this one. Jeff Hardy (former IC Champion) could easily be thrown in the title picture. Mr. Kennedy (former US champion) also could be. Umaga (former IC champion) again could be too but more than likely make a run a fall short again.

You can put in the record books that I said this! ECW GOT SCREWED AGAIN! Don't get me wrong Matt Hardy is a huge addition to the ECW roster, but he is all thay got. Plus they lost CM Punk and Kane. I know ECW is not considered one of the major shows, but it could be. It needs a bigger roster, another hour, and maybe another title. It's almost like WWE isn't even trying to keep it around. I am sure Matt Hardy will be in the title picture because he is the biggest name on the roster now! I really don't mean to downgrade his ability, but the whole situation is not fair to ECW and not fair to Matt. The WWE has 80 something wrestlers under contract down in Florida. What is stopping them from calling a few more up to fill out the roster a little? You are already paying them. Maybe I don't know what I am talking about. I am not and probably never will be on the WWE committee, but it just makes more since to me to try and make ECW successful.

One last thing. Michael Cole and Jim Ross have switched places. Although I love to see Ross and Foley working together it is sad to see him leaving RAW.

Vince McMahon was not lying when he said it was time to shake things up, the world of the WWE has been shaken up a lot, and it will be interesting to see how everything settles.