Friday, April 17, 2009


Hello my name is Eddy, online I am usually known as "Okolona Wolf" or "The Lone Wolf" . Over the years I have toyed with the idea of writing my own wrestling blog. I do not claim to be an expert and I am really not trying to pass myself off as one. I will leave that up for you to decide.

I have had a few blogs on different sites in the past , you might remember "The 10-Bell Salute" , "The Sharp Edge", or "The Razor's Edge". All 3 in some form was posted on Blogger. Basically I think I just tried to cover to much stuff at once, and I never really got the following I wanted. Although I thought "The Razor's Edge" was a little better than the first two incarnations. I had a couple of new writers that was going to join with me and had even discussed having a 20Q blog with a well known name it the business. I think with each attempt at doing this I am getting a little better.

Now with the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania behind us and all the new changes WWE is making. I find myself stuck with my opinions and no where to write about them. In my new blog I am going to try and keep it simple at first , but still very informative. I am going to attempt to reach out to the stars I have met over the years and some other key people in the business that may have an interesting perspective of how things are being ran today. I plan on also talking with some up and coming talent and Indy workers, because you never know which one of the guys you are hanging out with outside of an arena after a show is going to be the next CM Punk!

I have met so many legends, icons, and a lot of today's superstars just out of chance that I wish I started something like this 10 years ago, and I'll be the first to tell you that 90% of them are generally nice guys. I have stood next to Andrea the Giant not long before he passed away. To be honest I don't know if I have ever met a nicer guy. While managing a restaurant I got to sit down with Hulk Hogan and Macho Man after their meal and chat with them. They really made me feel like one of the guys. I have gotten Sandman so drunk before a match that he almost fell off a ladder. The list can go on and on about the people I have met. Maybe I will share some of those stories if the chance comes up. Until than be on the look out for my new blog ,which I haven't came up with a name yet or a place to write it, but I will post this on all of my old blogs in the hope that some of my old fans will see it. Until than keep an open mind and support all the talent, heels a faces alike, they all put their hearts, souls , and health on the line with every match they are in. Just for your entertainment.

Sincerely yours Edward "The Lone Wolf"